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A dedication to Great Nana.

Beautiful yet cheeky, sweet and smiley are all words I associate with Great Nana.
Never to be seen in a dull outfit, and always must be wearing pretty make up,
Not to be forgetting the Mascara!
World War 2 was what my Great Nana was around during.
Stationed in different places working out Morse-code.
Collecting and sending messages was her job, during such an important time.
Aberdeen in Scotland was where she met her soul mate, Papa.
She also had worked in London, during the war.
She travelled around, finding jobs based near where Papa would work, not wanting to be away from him.
I remember going to your house, so big and beautiful, decorated for Christmas.
It was like a big, beautiful cottage. Looking outside, watching the night drawing in around the huge trees, yet feeling cosy and warm.
Having tea and biscuits with you, “May Alana have one more biscuit please Nana? Silly little thing is too shy to ask.”
Leaving your house with a tasty Toblerone treat!
Hearing my parents talking how they would like to see you more often.
Me, sitting quietly in the back, nibbling my sweet and wondering why I felt so shy.
I remember going to your new house, all grown up, now in year 6!
Giving Papa a great big hug, and proudly presenting you all with my violin.
How I laugh at that day, playing songs to you all while hearing your dog howling in the hallway along to my music; we all couldn’t stop laughing.
How that day hit us.
Papas' passing, and you in Hospital.
I could hear Mummy crying, and when I went into her room, I could sense what was wrong.
That day will be remembered.
I remember looking at that violin, and remembering those happy memories we once shared.
I tried to play just one more song, but I couldn’t get the song out right or tune that violin.
Those endless days in the hospital, making sure you were ok.
Oh, how little Ash Pash was patient and so well behaved.
Looking in on you, seeing you were ok, but looking so frail.
You soldiered on!
Coming to see you at the care home.
Bringing along tasty treats!
Your great big smile welcoming us.
Sharing stories of what was happening.
Singing those old songs from the war, with great big smiles and giggles.
Seeing pictures on your wall.
Having to say our goodbyes.
We didn’t like having to leave you, but we tried to see you as often as possible.
We tried to come up that last week,
Unfortunately the news got to us sooner than expected.
We were so sad to hear of your passing, but you still managed to wear a smile on your face for those last moments.
I love you so much, words can’t even describe it.
We all cried when the news about you reached us.
We had to stick together, stay strong and soldier on.
I can see you, I can sense you, but I can’t hear you.
I love you but you’ve passed away now.
I think of our memories, I cry at your thought, and I miss you so much.
I know that all of us down here, wish we could see you one more time.
I forget you’ve passed away, and I nearly cry when I remember reality.
I wonder if you look down on us frequently to check we’re ok.
We all share the memories we hold of you while you spent your time with us,
And at least once every week I still think of you, always sharing your beautiful movie star grin with us.

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